Theater Resources Unlimited podcasts
Bob Ost, founder and president of TRU, sent a message to all of us who are weary of the pandemic’s disruption to our lives. One of the many impacts is the closing of theaters on Broadway and around the world. Our play A Brief Crack of Light (previous titled Exit Strategy) and its projected Broadway production is one of many shows impacted by COVID-19.
“This isn’t easy for any of us, and life as we knew and loved it might not return for months or years. Acceptance of our situation may be the first step needed to find solutions. ‘I can’t go on. I’ll go on.’ Welcome to a crash course in survival. It is more dire for some than others, and we must offer each other support and encouragement. This is a time for kindness, compassion and new thinking. Virtual socializing. Creative face masks. And though so much of what we here daily from DC is hard to swallow, please don’t drink the Lysol. Actual, or metaphorical.”
Broadway theater has been hit hard – from a season of record-breaking attendance for many shows to nothing. And no one knows when theaters are going to open. For theater lovers, like me, I’m listening to TRU’s theater podcasts, streaming shows, and talking with fellow Broadway producers. The list of available podcasts at www.truonline.org.